Summary: Using Indefinite and
Definite Articles before Nouns
The following is a recap of the basic rules
for using articles before nouns in English.
1. Countable or Non-countable
Countable nouns
are objects that come in discrete units and thus can be made
plural. If the noun is singular, it usually requires an indefinite
article (a, an or some). If the noun is
plural, it requires no article.
nouns are objects that cannot be divided into discrete units
and thus cannot be made plural. They require the indefinite
article some, an expression of quantity (a piece of,
a lot of), or no article before them.
2. Countable Nouns Acting
as Non-countable Nouns
In general, you can rely on rule #1 to classify
nouns, but, as with all rules in English, there are exceptions!
You must consider the meaning of the noun in the context of the
sentence. Some countable nouns can act as non-countable nouns.
3. Using the Definite Article
the before Nouns
Once a noun is identified to the reader, then
the next time it appears in the sentence or paragraph you can
use the definite article the before that noun.
Congratulations! You have completed the tutorial
on using articles before nouns. For any questions or comments,
please send them via E-mail
to the instructor.